Terrific 2’s!

What a fun and exciting time for your child. This time in life involves activity, creativity and exploration. Children at this age love to do multiple tasks. They are easily distracted and look forward to variety in play. Through rotating activities, your child will be ecstatically amused throughout the day.


Your child’s caregiver understands that talking with two and three year olds can be both challenging and rewarding. Mustard Seed Kidz will focus on creating an environment where your child and caregiver enhance each others’ lives through successful communication. The reward lies in the exciting and new world that can open up when you are viewing life through a young child’s eyes. Your child’s caregiver recognizes that children are people too. Although they interact with and experience the world differently than adults, they deserve the respect and courtesy that one would extend to any adult.

Your child will be addressed at their level, an eye to eye level. We are interested in what your child has to say and we want to make sure they know this. We will provide patience when talking with your child. Young children do not live on an adult’s pace, and are not used to having to express their ideas quickly. Nor are they capable of rushing their ideas out or even finding the basic words they need to express themselves. By patiently listening and encouraging your child to express their ideas, they will foster a positive learning experience. Your child is important to us!.

By practicing good, basic communication skills with your child, we will help promote their language development, self-esteem, and enhance their communication skills. Additionally, through communication, you can enter the world of the young child where everything is new, exciting, and worth exploration.


Daily Lessons

Your child will begin to be transitioned into routines throughout the day. Each day, arts and crafts, circle time, bible lessons, foreign lessons (Spanish & French), prayer and clean-up will be incorporated into their day. We use the Wee Learn and Kindness curriculums, so your child will be instructed based on Christian principles, and they will develop a true sense of love and good moral values.

Wow, I’m a big kid now!

All staff have completed the Florida state mandated DCF child care courses. Many teachers are also FCCPC and/or CDA certified or higher.